Tag Archives: hammer clause

Because it’s your good name.

As a dentist, you likely already understand the importance of the stability and strength your malpractice insurance carries. That’s why Professional Protective Alliance is a proud broker of Medical Protective (MedPro).

We hope you never experience a lawsuit. Unfortunately, a typical dentist in the United States is sued, on average, once in his or her career (more or less depending on location). With this inevitability in mind, it is important to remember that claims defense is really the primary service you are purchasing with your premium dollars. You are placing confidence in the insurer’s promise to defend you, and pay for damages, should you be sued in the future. After all, settlement of a claim involves more than money; it can have a long-term negative effect on your reputation, your license, and your practice.

We choose MedPro because we know you work hard to build a good reputation.  Did you know many companies settle malpractice claims without your consent?  They use loopholes like the “Hammer” clause, board approval and binding arbitration, your availability, or even dub you are “unreasonable.”  It happens all the time.  This is just one reason MedPro is a trusted leader in the professional insurance field.  They will NOT compromise ANY claim without the consent of the insured.  Give Geri Warick a call today at 201-525-1100 ext. 18 or an e-mail at gwarick@icnj.com. Our clients have the benefit of our extensive experience in matching their needs with their resource allocation and preferences.

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