Tag Archives: denal insurance

Low price dosen’t always equal great value,

At PPA, we understand you want a “great deal” when purchasing your healthcare malpractice insurance. But, if you’re involved in a claim, not only are your career and reputation at stake, but your personal assets can be as well.


Healthcare is changing: costly regulatory mandates are changing the way you provide patient care; insurance reimbursement rates are decreasing, and overhead expenses are increasing. Of course, your first instinct is to reduce the costs of doing business, and because healthcare liability coverage is a significant expense, you may feel compelled to shop around for the lowest priced coverage. But, as set out below, there are many reasons why the lowest priced coverage may not be the best value, and therefore, may not be in your best interest.


When considering healthcare malpractice coverage, we encourage you to review price in the context of value. Your selection of company and coverage will have a big impact on whether you’re getting the best coverage for your money.

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