Monthly Archives: August 2013

Homeowners Insurance for Professionals

Homeowners insurance is changing. You may have noticed that your rates are rising; Insurance companies are adding windstorm and hurricane deductibles to your policy; and they are trying to blame it all on Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy.


But we understand that as a healthcare professional, you’re far too busy taking care of your patients to shop around for homeowner’s insurance coverage.  That’s where we come in! We represent over 10 companies offering homeowners insurance coverage, and we provide hands on customer care.  We don’t use “toll free” 800 numbers, and our staff is local – not a call center in a different time zone.


So, whether you have good or bad credit, had claims or not, live down the shore or in the city, or own a Cape Cod or Center Hall Colonial; we can help you find the coverage you need, at a reasonable cost you can afford.

Don’t hesitate, contact us today, and let us do the shopping for you.  We’re available by phone at 201-525-1100 ex 19, or via email at

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