Monthly Archives: May 2013

We are pleased to announce AAP/NJ Annual Conference & Exhibition!



Register here and don’t miss you chance to hear David Schonfeld, MD, FAAP, a world-renowned expert in school crisis and bereavement, address ‘Supporting Children and Families in the Aftermath of a Crisis’ on June 18th and ‘Supporting the Grieving Child and Family’ on June 19th at The Palace in Somerset, NJ

David J. Schonfeld, MD, FAAP, a world-renowned expert in school crisis and bereavement, has been appointed chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Drexel University College of Medicine. He is also the Pediatrician-in-Chief at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.  Dr. Schonfeld’s worldwide reputation and expertise extends from pediatric bereavement to pediatric AIDS education and cancer prevention. His expertise in crisis response and bereavement has made him a sought-after authority in the U.S., as well as in Asia, Europe, and elsewhere in the world.  He is the founder and director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement, which specializes in providing information and support to children and schools after crises, like a shooting or natural disaster. “Since children spend half of their waking hours in school, a school is the ideal location to provide support,” he says. “The center provides tools that schools need to help students heal.”  Dr. Schonfeld provided pediatric bereavement and school crisis consultation in the aftermath of Hurricanes Sandy, Katrina, and Ike, as well as after the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and recently in Newtown, Connecticut. Because of his work in Newtown, Schonfeld has been named to the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission which will make recommendations on school safety, mental health, and gun violence prevention. 

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Walk for a cause!

It has been 9 years since our client’s son, Eddie, was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy (a autoimmune disease that attacks the kidneys.) The family has focused all their bad energy into good energy and thus work endlessly on the IGA Nephropathy Foundation of America they started 9 years ago.

It isn’t just about Eddie any more. They help patients 24/7 by offering moral support, help find kidney donors for those in end stage and support after transplant.

Every year it gets harder to raise the money that they give directly to research ongoing at the University of Alabama-Birmingham that holds so much promise for Eddie and their patients. We are spreading the word to join them on June 23, 2013 for their 9th annual 5K Run /Walk for kidney disease.

Please click the link below for the flyer and share this link to spread the word!

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