Monthly Archives: June 2012


Dear valued client,

Here at the Professional Protective Alliance, we are always looking for ways to improve our client relationships.  Although we have been happily serving northern New Jersey for over 80 years, we understand times are changing, and we want to change with them!

Thus, we are in the midst of a web renovation. We have decided to create a community… with a  goal.  We want to enhance customer service, as well as give you easy access to our promotions, news, free webinars, tips and so much more useful information..

That’s why we’ve decided to join the blog world.  We hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoy updating!

Can’t get enough?  ‘Like’ us on Facebook and ‘Follow’ us on Twitter for even more information!

By the way- how are we doing?  Here is a quick (we promise!) survey to help us better evaluate your experience with us: click here.

Talk to you soon,

Professional Protective Alliance

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